Discover Cupertino Library in Flutter: Crafting iOS Apps with Native


Flutter, the open-source framework developed by Google, has gained immense popularity among mobile app developers for its ability to create beautiful, high-performance applications for multiple platforms. Custom mobile app development using Flutter allows developers to build apps for both Android and iOS, leveraging its flexibility and efficiency. While Flutter allows developers to build apps for both Android and iOS, it also provides a set of widgets specifically designed to match the aesthetics of each platform. In the case of iOS, Flutter offers the Cupertino library, a collection of widgets that enables developers to create native-looking iOS apps. In this blog post, we’ll explore the Cupertino library in Flutter and understand how it helps in building iOS-styled user interfaces.

What is the Cupertino Library?

The Cupertino library in Flutter provides a comprehensive set of widgets that follow the design guidelines of Apple’s Cupertino design language. These widgets are designed to mimic the behaviour and appearance of native iOS components, allowing developers to create iOS apps with a seamless and familiar user experience.

Key Features and Widgets

Cupertino App

The purpose of this widget is to incorporate a Flutter application with an iOS-inspired design, ensuring the integrated theme and functionality throughout the app. It grants you the ability to define the app’s title, theme, initial route, and plenty of other configurations to tailor the user experience precisely. With this widget, you can effortlessly shape the overall look and behaviour of your Flutter app, guaranteeing a seamless and immersive iOS-like experience for your users.

Cupertino Navigation Bar

Resembling the native iOS navigation bar, this versatile widget showcases the title of your application along with optional widgets positioned at the leading and trailing ends. By incorporating this widget into your Flutter app, you can effortlessly achieve a uniform and intuitive navigation experience, mirroring the seamless familiarity enjoyed by iOS users. This essential component ensures that users can effortlessly navigate through your app while maintaining consistency and visual coherence. Embrace the power of this widget to elevate your app’s usability and provide iOS users with a captivating and engaging journey throughout your application.

Cupertino Button

Employ this widget to effortlessly generate a button with authentic logic and functionality similar to native iOS interfaces. With its natural ability to embrace various button styles, including default, primary, and destructive variations, this versatile widget empowers you to tailor the appearance and behaviour of the button according to your specific requirements. Exploit the extensive range of customization options provided by this widget, and embark on a journey to craft a button that seamlessly integrates with your iOS-inspired app while resonating with users on a visual and interactive level. Raise the user experience and create an intuitive and captivating interface with this powerful widget at your disposal.

Cupertino Text Field

Leverage the power of this widget to effortlessly integrate an iOS-styled text input field into your application. Smoothly resembling the familiar logic of iOS text fields, this versatile widget equips you with numerous features to enhance user input functionality. From providing hint text to guide users, validating input to ensure accuracy, supporting different keyboard types for specialized input, to implementing input formatters for data formatting, this widget covers a wide range of essential functionalities. Empower your users with a seamless and intuitive text input experience, perfectly aligned with the native iOS interface, using this dynamic widget. Explore its vast range of capabilities and elevate your app’s interactivity and usability to new heights.

Cupertino Slider

Integrate this widget into your app to effortlessly incorporate a slider that mirrors the native iOS slider’s behaviour. Designed to mirror the familiar interaction of iOS sliders, this versatile component empowers users to select a value within a defined range by simply dragging a finger along a track. Seamlessly blending with the overall theme of your app, this widget ensures a seamless and intuitive user experience, aligning with the familiarity enjoyed by iOS users. Expand your app’s interactivity and engage your users by implementing this dynamic widget, enabling them to effortlessly navigate and make precise value selections.

Cupertino Switch

Harness the power of this widget to effortlessly generate a toggle switch similar of the native iOS switch control. Seamlessly aligning with the theme and functionality of iOS, this versatile component empowers you to create a visually appealing and interactive toggle switch. Whether representing on/off or true/false states, this dynamic widget seamlessly integrates into your app, providing users with an intuitive and familiar interface.

Cupertino Alert Dialog

Utilize the power of this widget to effortlessly showcase an iOS-styled alert dialogue, complete with a captivating title, informative content, and customizable actions. Immerse your users in a visually stunning and matching interface as you present crucial information with ease. Seamlessly mirroring the aesthetics of iOS, this versatile component ensures a consistent and visually appealing user experience. From delivering important announcements to capturing user attention, this dynamic widget becomes an indispensable tool in your app. Tailor the content and actions to suit your specific needs, offering users a personalized and engaging interaction.

Benefits of Using the Cupertino Library

  • The Cupertino library ensures that your Flutter app follows the design guidelines of iOS, resulting in a visually consistent and familiar experience for iOS users.
  • By leveraging the Cupertino library, developers can quickly build iOS-styled user interfaces without the need for extensive customizations. The pre-defined Cupertino widgets handle the majority of the iOS-specific design and behaviour.
  • Flutter’s cross-platform nature allows developers to share a significant portion of their codebase between Android and iOS. By utilizing the Cupertino library for iOS-specific components, you can maximize code reuse while still delivering platform-specific experiences.


The Cupertino library in Flutter offers developers a comprehensive set of widgets and tools to create native-looking iOS apps. By leveraging the Cupertino library, developers can ensure their app follows the iOS design guidelines, resulting in a consistent and visually appealing experience for iOS users. Whether you’re building a new iOS app or porting an existing one to Flutter, exploring the Cupertino library will be a valuable step in achieving an authentic iOS look and feel within your Flutter application.

Photo By: Cheesecakelabs

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