Best Attempt at Shopify’s One-Page Checkout

Over 100 Product and Feature Updates Including the Highly Anticipated One-Page Checkout. With the announcement of Shopify’s latest update, users are eager to learn more about the highly talked-about one-page checkout feature. This article provides a comprehensive description of the Shopify one-page checkout extension, including its functionality, advantages, disadvantages, and a step-by-step implementation procedure.

How to describe One-page checkout?

Shopify Plus Introduces One-Page Checkout for Easier Purchasing.

Shopify Plus is testing a simplified checkout process called one-page or single-page checkout, which is designed to reduce the number of sections, and blocks and make the checkout process easier for customers. This feature has been long-awaited by users, and although it has not been officially announced yet, experts predict that Shopify will soon announce it due to the high level of excitement among users.

The one-page checkout is currently only available for trial use by Shopify Plus users.

Pros and Cons of One-Page Checkout

Having understood what One-page checkout is, it’s crucial to gain detailed insight into its advantages and disadvantages. This information can help in better comprehension and future implementation of this new Shopify add-on.


Increased Processing Speed

In the world of digital updates, consumers have become increasingly impatient, especially when it comes to the final stage of an eCommerce site – the checkout process. Shopify’s one-page checkout feature has come as a saviour for Shopify Plus merchants, as it significantly reduces the browsing and average time it takes for customers to complete their purchase, as compared to a multipage checkout process.

Increased Conversion Rates 

Streamlined one-page checkout leads to increased conversion rates as it saves customers time. Simplifying the checkout process on your Shopify store can help boost sales and revenue, as customers can complete their purchases quickly and easily on a single page.

Improved Site Performance

Switching from a multipage to a single-page checkout process can lead to improved site performance. As the number of mobile eCommerce users increases, Shopify’s one-page checkout becomes more convenient for enhancing user experience. Multiple-page loading can take over a minute on a mobile screen, while a single-page checkout can be completed in just a few seconds.

This enables users to browse, shop, and pay within a single scrolling line, providing a seamless experience.

Satisfied Customers

One-page checkout, with its faster processing and robust page loading, can lead to happier and more satisfied customers. This, in turn, can attract shoppers to make more purchases and improve your customer retention percentage.


Long Scrolling Page

One-page checkout can be a valuable asset for your Shopify app as it reduces the multipage process and simplifies the user experience. However, it also involves long-tail scrolling, which can become a liability and annoy users. This may result in them leaving the site midway due to frustration, which is not a good sign for your business

Delayed Page Loading

One-page checkout involves more content and sections within a single page, which may result in slower page loading times. If your website has a significant amount of content sections with multiple high-quality images, then one-page checkout may not be the best option for you. It would be better to focus on optimizing the overall content images of your website to improve its performance.

Analytics Challenges

Analyzing a single-page checkout can be a challenging task as it involves numerous resources and content under a single URL. Running an analytics tool on a one-page checkout page can be more complicated compared to multiple pages with sections and content. It may take longer than usual to extract relevant insights from the data.

Approach to Implement One-page Checkout for Your Shopify Store

To enable the one-page checkout option in your Shopify store, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your Shopify Plus account.
  • Navigate to “Online Store” and select “Themes”.
  • Since Shopify Plus does not provide checkout template options, you will need to customize your theme by making suitable changes in the HTML and CSS codebase. Then, click “Add a New Layout” and select “Checkout” from the drop-down box instead of “Theme”.
  • The liquid code will be generated automatically, but you will need to hire dedicated Shopify developers to customize it to create your desired one-page checkout.

Note that while one-page checkout is a feature specifically designed for the Shopify Plus Plan, you can still implement it in your regular Shopify store using third-party applications. Upgrading to Shopify Plus is not necessary.


Shopify has a track record of conducting experiments that push the boundaries of client expectations, resulting in the development of numerous standard and advanced features for the platform.

One such feature is the one-page checkout extension, which is awaiting approval for full-fledged implementation by Shopify officials. Despite predictions from experts that it may not be as compatible or convenient as multi page checkout, the feature is set to be released to users soon.

It will be intriguing to observe the results of A/B testing and how Shopify navigates making it the primary choice for all Shopify Plus users

ALSO READ: Discover the Complete Features and Benefits of Shopify Online Store

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